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Path to Scholarships®
Path to Scholarships®, 5 Step Student Guide has All the tools to assist ALL students attend college almost debt-free with a proven record for the 20+ years.
It is a user-friendly career, college, and scholarship guide that empowers students with checklists, planning forms, and organizational tools to complete college and scholarship applications successfully.
Meet the Author

June McBride, M.A.
June McBride, M.A., is an award winning educator, and the founder and author of the Path to Scholarships®. Along with the Path to Scholarships® College and High School Student Guides, her book series has empowered educators, parents, and students. In her career, June has earned several prestigious awards including: Bert E. Roper Humanitarian Award (1997), Disney's Teacherrific Award (2000), 18th Annual Partners in Education Parent Conference Appreciation Award (2009), National Mujeres Destacadas Education Award (2014). These days, her knowledge is helping others through her books and workshops that she conducts. These resources have given educators and students the best selection of successful college and scholarship readiness tools and strategies at unbeatable prices. The online bookstore has become synonymous with quality, and we ensure a continuous wealth of fantastic resources for all students!

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